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Inlays & Onlays Spokane Valley WA

Dental inlays and onlays by Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry in Spokane Valley, WA.When a tooth suffers from minor damage, either from an infection or an injury, dental fillings are the preferred correction option. Sometimes, the damage is too big for an ordinary filling to manage but not big enough to warrant a crown that would cover the entire tooth. That’s when inlays and onlays come into the picture. Inlays and onlays can be defined as indirect or external fillings that are constructed outside in a lab to the exact measurement of the area. At Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry, we take great care to make sure that the filling is in line with the specific shape and contours of the tooth. After that, they are then fitted to the tooth in question by our experienced dentists.

The Difference Between Inlays and Onlays

Inlays are recommended when the affected part is smaller on a molar or premolar. Specifically, inlays are fillings for the cusps or the minute points. In other words, the filling will not go beyond these cusps. When the damage is found to be in an extended region, onlays are the preferred choice. They are applied when more than one cusp is affected in the chewing area. The difference is primarily in terms of the area covered while the procedure remains the same for both inlays and onlays.

The Procedure for Getting Inlays and Onlays

When our dentists decide that there is an infection in your teeth which can be rectified with either an inlay on onlay, the first step is to disinfect the area. This is done after the particular tooth and the immediate area surrounding it are numbed using an anesthetic. Then the dentist will thoroughly clean the decayed part of all infections and debris if any. After that, a detailed impression of the tooth is made so that the inlay and onlay can be made to the exact measurement.

While that fitting gets made in the laboratory, the tooth will be temporarily covered with a filling. Once the fitting is ready, it will be fixed to the tooth. An excellent advantage that inlays and onlays have over fillings is that they resemble the tooth in color and texture and it will be difficult for someone to point out that you have had a dental procedure on the tooth. They are also strong and tend to last long. You will be able to chew all kinds of food and continue with your normal routine.

Do I Need an Inlay or an Onlay?

That question can only be answered by our dentists after a detailed examination of the tooth. If you experience sensitivity or pain in a tooth, it’s better to call us at (509) 928-4746 and book an appointment. It’s important to get the problem looked into at as soon as possible. If left unchecked, the decay could spread and disturb the structure of the tooth, which may eventually warrant more restorative procedures. Any of our highly qualified professionals at Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry will be happy to examine your tooth and treat any decay with a necessary inlay or onlay.
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Inlays and Onlays • Spokane Valley Dentist • Grins & Giggles
At Grins and Giggles Family Dentistry, we take great care to make sure that the filling is in line with the specific shape & contours of the tooth. CAll today!
Grins & Giggles Family Dentistry, 917 N Pines Rd, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 | (509) 928-4746 | | 1/24/2025 | Related Terms: dentist Spokane Valley WA |